A rigid, perfectly-plastic model of solids is applied to study the dynamic behavior of
simply supported or clamped, arbitrarily shaped plates on visco-elastic foundation.
The role of membrane forces and transverse shear forces in the yield condition and
the influence of geometry changes are neglected. The plate is subjected to
explosive loads uniformly distributed over the surface. Several mechanisms
of dynamic deformation of the plate are considered. For each mechanism,
equations of the dynamic behavior are obtained. Operating conditions of
these mechanisms are analyzed. Analytical expressions for the limit and
high loads and for the maximum final deflections are obtained. Detailed
analyses are given for an astroid-shaped plate, for a plate with a contour
consisting of two arcs and for a plate with an internal free hole or a rigid
Institute of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of
Institutskaia str., 4/1
Novosibirsk, 630090
Institute of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of
Institutskaia str., 4/1
Novosibirsk, 630090