Vol. 3, No. 6, 2008

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Volume 19
Issue 5, 747–918
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
Author index
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Bogdan T. Maruszewski, Wolfgang Muschik and Krzysztof W. Wojciechowski

An introduction of the local displacements of mass and electric charge phenomena into the model of the mechanics of polarized electromagnetic solids

Yaroslav Burak, Vasyl Kondrat and Olha Hrytsyna

New conception of the FEM base functions applied to solving an inverse heat transfer problem

Andrzej Frąckowiak, Jens von Wolfersdorf and Michał Ciałkowski

Dynamics of a rope as a rigid multibody system

Paweł Fritzkowski and Henryk Kaminski

The optimal shape parameter of multiquadric collocation method for solution of nonlinear steady-state heat conduction in multilayered plate

Jan Adam Kołodziej and Magdalena Mierzwiczak

The application of the method of fundamental solutions to a simulation of the two-dimensional sloshing phenomenon

Jan Adam Kołodziej and Magdalena Mierzwiczak

Propagation of a surface wave in a vortex array along a superconducting heterostructure

Bogdan T. Maruszewski, Andrzej Drzewiecki and Roman Starosta

On nonlinear kinetic effects in the vortex array in superconductors

Bogdan T. Maruszewski

Thermodynamics of inhomogeneous ferroelectrics

Gerard A. Maugin and Liliana Restuccia

Exploitation of the dissipation inequality, if some balances are missing

Wolfgang Muschik, Vita Triani and Christina Papenfuss

Variational principles for heat conduction in dissipative continua

Stanisław Sieniutycz

Non-Newtonian fluid flow in a porous medium

Anita Uscilowska

Internal energy in dissipative relativistic fluids

Péter Ván

A continuous model for an arterial tissue, incorporating remodeling and volumetric growth

Fons van de Ven and Ihor Machyshyn