Vol. 3, No. 6, 2008

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An introduction of the local displacements of mass and electric charge phenomena into the model of the mechanics of polarized electromagnetic solids

Yaroslav Burak, Vasyl Kondrat and Olha Hrytsyna

Vol. 3 (2008), No. 6, 1037–1046

Using the fundamental principles of thermodynamics of irreversible processes and continuum mechanics and electrodynamics, a complete set of equations of the thermomechanics of an electroconducting polarized medium has been obtained by taking into account the local displacements of mass and electric charge. To determine the thermodynamic state, two additional state parameters, namely the induced mass and the gradient of the energy measure of mass displacement, have been introduced. Two other parameters, the energy measure of mass displacement and the mass displacement vector, have been coupled to the aforementioned parameters. Such an extension of the state parameter space allows one to describe the near-surface inhomogeneity of the stress-strained state and the electric polarization as well as the surface charges and the electromagnetic signals induced by the surface formation.

coupled electro-magneto-thermo-mechanical processes, electroconducting polarized nonferromagnetic solids, local displacements of mass and electric charges, interfacial phenomena
Received: 7 February 2008
Accepted: 25 March 2008
Published: 1 August 2008
Yaroslav Burak
Center of Mathematical Modeling of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dudajev str. 15, 79005 Lviv
Vasyl Kondrat
Center of Mathematical Modeling of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dudajev str. 15, 79005 Lviv
Olha Hrytsyna
Center of Mathematical Modeling of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dudajev str. 15, 79005 Lviv