Vol. 3, No. 6, 2008

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Propagation of a surface wave in a vortex array along a superconducting heterostructure

Bogdan T. Maruszewski, Andrzej Drzewiecki and Roman Starosta

Vol. 3 (2008), No. 6, 1097–1104

We analyze the propagation conditions and dispersion relations for SH surface waves (Love-like waves) running along a vortex array in a supercoducting heterostructure consisting of a layer and a half-space. Investigations allowed us to estimate a new interval for the wave phase velocity values different from the classical estimate and to show that the structure has filtering properties.

magnetic vortex array mechanics, superconductivity, surface waves in unconventional media
Received: 7 February 2008
Accepted: 25 March 2008
Published: 1 August 2008
Bogdan T. Maruszewski
Poznan University of Technology
Institute of Applied Mechanics
ul. Piotrowo 3
60-965 Poznan
Andrzej Drzewiecki
Poznan University of Technology
Institute of Applied Mechanics
ul. Piotrowo 3
60-965 Poznan
Roman Starosta
Poznan University of Technology
Institute of Applied Mechanics
ul. Piotrowo 3
60-965 Poznan