A continuum-mechanics approach for the derivation of a model for the behavior, that
is, the growth and remodeling, of an arterial tissue under a mechanical load is
presented. This behavior exhibits an interplay between two phenomena: continuum
mechanics and biology. The tissue is modeled as a continuous mixture of two
components: elastin and collagen. Both components are incompressible, but the tissue
as a whole can show volumetric growth due to the creation of collagen. Collagen is a
fibrous structure, having a strain-induced preferred orientation. Remodeling of the
tissue incorporates degradation of elastin and strain-induced creation and
degradation of collagen fibers. Both elastin and collagen are considered to be
nonlinear elastic media; elastin as a neo-Hookean material and collagen fibers
behaving according to an exponential law. The modeling is based on the classical
balance laws of mass and momentum.