In this paper, the crack front position and the crack back position techniques for evaluating
using complex variables are suggested. In the crack front technique, an expression for
stress components in the crack front position is expressed through a complex
variable. The limit value of the expression from the crack front position will give the
In the crack back technique, the other expression of stress components in
the crack back position is expressed through the complex variable. The
limit value of the expression from the crack back position will give the
The suggested techniques are used to evaluate
in the arc crack and the curved crack problems. It is found from a detailed derivation
that both techniques give the same result in the crack problem. Numerical examples
are carried out for two problems: an elliptic crack with a central crack and a curved
crack with parabolic configuration.
$T\hskip-1pt$-stress, crack, crack front position
technique, crack back position technique, arc crack,
numerical solution