Vol. 4, No. 1, 2009

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Vibration suppression analysis of FGM shells with higher order shear deformation theory

Suresh Chandra Pradhan

Vol. 4 (2009), No. 1, 35–56

Analytical solutions of functionally graded material (FGM) shells with embedded magnetostrictive layers are presented in this study. These magnetostrictive layers are used for vibration suppression in the functionally graded shells. Higher order shear deformation theory is employed to study the vibration suppression characteristics. The exact solution for the FGM shell with simply supported boundary conditions is based on the Navier solution procedure. Negative velocity feedback control is used. The parametric effect of the location of the magnetostrictive layers, material properties, and control parameters on the suppression effect are investigated in detail. Higher order shear deformation theory has significant influence on the prediction of the vibration response of thick shells. Further, it is found that the shortest vibration suppression time is achieved by placing the actuating layers farthest from the neutral plane, that the use of thinner smart material layers leads to better vibration attenuation characteristics, and that the vibration suppression time is longer for a smaller value of the feedback control coefficient.

functionally graded materials, higher order, shear deformation, vibration, shell
Received: 30 August 2008
Revised: 7 January 2009
Accepted: 11 January 2009
Published: 8 April 2009
Suresh Chandra Pradhan
Department of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Kharagpur
Kharagpur - 721302
West Bengal