Vol. 4, No. 10, 2009

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Numerical homogenization techniques for the evaluation of mechanical behavior of a composite with SMA inclusions

Valerio Alecci, Silvia Briccoli Bati and Giovanna Ranocchiai

Vol. 4 (2009), No. 10, 1675–1688

Numerical procedures are developed for the homogenization and evaluation of the stress field in a composite as a consequence of the presence of embedded SMA (shape-memory alloy) wires. In particular, the elastic field developed at the end of the SMA wire self-strain process is studied, knowledge of which is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of such a hybrid composite.

First, the numerical procedures are applied to the study of both a representative volume element (RVE) included in a theoretically infinite periodic medium and a RVE located near the medium free boundary, in order to evaluate the tangential stress field generated at the end of the fiber; then they are applied to the study of a plate able to bend after the effect of self-strain of the SMA wire.

Observations are reported about the obtained results and about the similarities and the differences between the two problems.

numerical homogenization, composite materials, shape-memory alloys
Received: 24 September 2008
Revised: 29 June 2009
Accepted: 4 July 2009
Published: 27 February 2010
Valerio Alecci
Dipartimento di Costruzioni
Università di Firenze
Piazza Brunelleschi 6
50121 Firenze
Silvia Briccoli Bati
Dipartimento di Costruzioni
Università di Firenze
Piazza Brunelleschi 6
50121 Firenze
Giovanna Ranocchiai
Dipartimento di Costruzioni
Università di Firenze
Piazza Brunelleschi 6
50121 Firenze