Vol. 4, No. 10, 2009

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Bending of laminated plates with mixed boundary conditions based on higher-order shear deformation theory

Mojgan Yaghoubshahi and Hossein Rajaie

Vol. 4 (2009), No. 10, 1771–1786

The bending of laminated plates is considered using higher-order transverse shear deformation theory. The principle of virtual work is used to derive a new set of seven governing equations and corresponding boundary conditions. These equations, combined with eighteen relationships between the resultant stress and displacement components, compose a system of first-order partial differential equations that is solved by the generalized differential quadrature method. Numerical results for laminated plates with a variety of mixed boundary conditions are calculated using the proposed method, and good agreement is found with the corresponding solutions obtained using ANSYS.

laminated plates, higher-order transverse shear deformation theory, mixed boundary conditions, generalized differential quadrature method
Received: 27 February 2009
Revised: 9 April 2009
Accepted: 23 June 2009
Published: 27 February 2010
Mojgan Yaghoubshahi
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Amirkabir University of Technology
424 Hafez Avenue
Tehran 15914
Hossein Rajaie
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Amirkabir University of Technology
424 Hafez Avenue
Tehran 15914