Vol. 4, No. 6, 2009

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A displacement potential-based numerical solution for orthotropic composite panels under end moment and shear loading

S. K. Deb Nath and S. Reaz Ahmed

Vol. 4 (2009), No. 6, 987–1004

The elastic behavior of an orthotropic composite panel is analyzed under the influence of an end moment as well as shear loading. The panel is rigidly fixed at one of its ends, and the fibers are assumed to be directed along its length. An efficient finite difference computational scheme, based on the displacement potential formulation, is used to analyze the present mixed boundary value elastic problem. The effects of several important issues, for example, the panel aspect ratio, edge stiffening, and fiber reinforcement, on the elastic field are investigated. Solutions are presented mainly in the form of graphs and the predicted deformed shape. Finally, the reliability and superiority of the present computational scheme is discussed in comparison to the corresponding finite element predictions.

orthotropic composite panel, displacement potential function, finite difference method, mixed boundary conditions, end moment, shear loading
Received: 15 August 2008
Revised: 22 January 2009
Accepted: 7 May 2009
Published: 14 September 2009
S. K. Deb Nath
Department of Mechanical Engineering
International University of Business
Agriculture and Technology
S. Reaz Ahmed
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology