Vol. 4, No. 9, 2009

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A two-temperature generalized thermoelastic medium subjected to a moving heat source and ramp-type heating: A state-space approach

Hamdy M. Youssef

Vol. 4 (2009), No. 9, 1637–1649

We construct a model of two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity for an elastic half-space with constant elastic parameters. The Laplace transform and state-space techniques are used to obtain the general solution for any set of boundary conditions. The general solution obtained is applied to the specific problem of a half-space subjected to a moving heat source with constant velocity and ramp-type heating. The inverse Laplace transforms are computed numerically. The effects of different values of the heat source velocity, the two-temperature parameter, and the ramping time parameter are compared.

generalized thermoelasticity, two-temperature, heat source, ramp type
Received: 9 November 2008
Revised: 21 March 2009
Accepted: 25 March 2009
Published: 17 January 2010
Hamdy M. Youssef
Mathematics Department
Alexandria University
Faculty of Engineering
Umm Al-Qura University
PO Box 5555
Saudi Arabia