Vol. 5, No. 4, 2010

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Volume 19
Issue 5, 747–918
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The Journal
About the journal
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Peer-review process
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
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Zhaoxu Dong, James M. Manimala and C. T. Sun

A generalized plane strain meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for the micromechanics of thermomechanical loading of composites

Isa Ahmadi and Mohamad Aghdam

Effective medium theories for wave propagation in two-dimensional random inhomogeneous media

Jin-Yeon Kim

A numerical model for masonry-like structures

Maurizio Angelillo, Luca Cardamone and Antonio Fortunato

A coupled honeycomb composite sandwich bridge-vehicle interaction model

Mijia Yang and A. T. Papagiannakis

Spectral element approach to wave propagation in uncertain beam structures

V. Ajith and S. Gopalakrishnan

Energy-minimizing openings around a fixed hole in an elastic plate

Shmuel Vigdergauz

Influence of different integral kernels on the solutions of boundary integral equations in plane elasticity

Y. Z. Chen, X. Y. Lin and Z. X. Wang