Vol. 5, No. 4, 2010

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Influence of different integral kernels on the solutions of boundary integral equations in plane elasticity

Y. Z. Chen, X. Y. Lin and Z. X. Wang

Vol. 5 (2010), No. 4, 679–692

A modified integral kernel is introduced for boundary integral equations (BIE). The formulation for the modified kernel is based on a representation in pure deformable form of the fundamental solution of concentrated forces. It is found that the modified kernel can be applied to any case, even if the loadings on the contour are not in equilibrium in an exterior boundary value problem. The influence of different integral kernels on solutions of BIE, particularly in the Neumann problem and Dirichlet problem, are addressed. Numerical examples are presented to prove the assertion proposed. Properties of solutions from the usage of the modified integral kernel are studied in detail. The influence of different integral kernels on the degenerate scale are discussed and numerical results are provided. It is found that the influence of the constants involved in the integral kernels is significant. For the cases of the elliptic and rectangular contour, the influence on the degenerate scale is studied with numerical results.

boundary integral equation, exterior boundary value problem, regularity condition, numerical method, degenerate scale problem
Received: 22 September 2009
Revised: 15 February 2010
Accepted: 28 February 2010
Published: 8 November 2010
Y. Z. Chen
Division of Engineering Mechanics
Jiangsu University
Xue Fu Road 301
Jiangsu 212013
X. Y. Lin
Division of Engineering Mechanics
Jiangsu University
Xue Fu Road 301
Jiangsu 212013
Z. X. Wang
Division of Engineering Mechanics
Jiangsu University
Xue Fu Road 301
Jiangsu 212013