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The influence of geometric
imperfections on the nonlinear behavior and stability of Augusti’s model under static
and dynamic loads is analyzed. This 2-DOF lumped-parameter system is
an archetypal model of modal interaction in stability theory representing
a large class of structural problems. When the system displays coincident
buckling loads, several postbuckling paths emerge from the bifurcation point
(critical load) along the fundamental path, in particular coupled unstable
postbuckling paths that control the nonlinear dynamics of the system for load
levels lower than the critical load. Systems displaying unstable postbuckling
behavior are particularly sensitive to initial imperfections. They decrease
the static buckling load and distort the topology of the safe potential well.
Herein, coupled/uncoupled dynamic responses, bifurcations, escape from the
prebuckling potential well, stability, space-time-varying displacements, and
attractor-manifold-basin phase portraits are numerically evaluated with the aim
of enlightening the effect of system imperfection sensitivity. In particular,
the investigation of the reduction of escape load for several varying system
parameters highlights the remarkable loss of safety and dynamic integrity of
the structure due to penetration of eroding fractal tongues into the safe