Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012

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On indenter boundary effects at elastic contact

Denis Jelagin and Per-Lennart Larsson

Vol. 7 (2012), No. 2, 165–182

Axisymmetric contact problems at finite Coulomb friction and rounded profiles are examined for linear elastic solids. In previous analytical/numerical approaches to this problem often incremental procedures have been developed resulting in a reduced incremental problem corresponding to a rigid flat indentation of an elastic half-space. The reduced problem, being independent of loading and contact region, can be solved by a finite element method based on a stationary contact contour and characterized by high accuracy. Subsequently, with cumulative superposition procedures it is then possible to resolve the original problem in order to determine global and local field values. Such a procedure, when applied to for example to flat and conical profiles with rounded edges and apices, is exact save for the influence from boundaries close to the contact region. This influence could be exemplified by the indenter boundaries of a flat deformable profile with rounded edges indenting a linear elastic half-space. In the present analysis such effects are investigated qualitatively and quantitatively. In doing so, the results derived using previously discussed analytical/numerical approaches are compared with corresponding ones from full-field finite element calculations. Both local as well as global quantities are included in the comparison in order to arrive at a complete understanding of the boundary effects at elastic contact.

Contact mechanics, Elastic material, Friction, Indenter boundary effects
Received: 24 May 2011
Revised: 4 January 2012
Accepted: 9 January 2012
Published: 6 May 2012
Denis Jelagin
Division of Highway and Railway Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology
SE-10044, Stockholm
Per-Lennart Larsson
Department of Solid Mechanics
Royal Institute of Technology
SE-10044, Stockholm