Vol. 7, No. 6, 2012

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Damage development in an armor alumina impacted with ductile metal spheres

Brett G. Compton, Eleanor A. Gamble, Vikram S. Deshpande and Frank W. Zok

Vol. 7 (2012), No. 6, 575–591

The present article describes a coupled experimental/computational study of damage development in confined ceramic tiles impacted by spherical metal projectiles. The principal objective is to calibrate the material parameters in the Deshpande–Evans constitutive model for an armor alumina and assess its utility in predicting trends in damage development with impact velocity. The nature of the damage at the impact site is probed through optical and scanning electron microscopy of cross-sections through the impact site as well as surface profile measurements. Once calibrated, the model is used in finite element simulations and shown to predict reasonably accurately the variation in the size of the comminuted zone beneath the impact site with incident projectile velocity. The numerical simulations also provide new insights into the spatial and temporal evolution of subsurface damage and deformation processes as well as the role of metal face sheets in the these processes.

impact, ceramic, damage, microcracking
Received: 27 February 2012
Accepted: 16 March 2012
Published: 19 November 2012
Brett G. Compton
Materials Department
University of California
Santa Barbara CA 93106-5050
United States
Eleanor A. Gamble
Materials Department
University of California
Santa Barbara CA 93106-5050
United States
Vikram S. Deshpande
Engineering Department
Cambridge University
Trumpington Street
United Kingdom
Frank W. Zok
Materials Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara CA 93106-5050
United States