Vol. 7, No. 7, 2012

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Multi-hit armour characterisation of metal-composite bi-layers

Kandan Karthikeyan, Benjamin P. Russell, Vikram S. Deshpande and Norman A. Fleck

Vol. 7 (2012), No. 7, 721–734

The ballistic performance of equi-mass plates made from (i) stainless steel (SS); (ii) carbon fibre/epoxy (CF) laminate and (iii) a hybrid plate of both materials has been characterised for a spherical steel projectile. The hybrid plate was orientated with steel on the impact face (SSCF) and on the distal face (CFSS). The penetration velocity (V 50) was highest for the SS plate and lowest for the CF plate. A series of double impact tests were performed, with an initial velocity V I and a subsequent velocity V II at the same impact site. An interaction diagram in (V I,V II) space was constructed to delineate penetration from survival under both impacts. The degree of interaction between the two impact events was greater for the CFSS plate than for the SSCF plate, implying that the distal face has the major effect upon the degree of interaction.

composite, damage, ballistic loading, multi-impact, bi-layers
Received: 7 August 2012
Accepted: 4 October 2012
Published: 4 January 2013
Kandan Karthikeyan
Department of Engineering
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
Benjamin P. Russell
Department of Engineering
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
Vikram S. Deshpande
Department of Engineering
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
Norman A. Fleck
Department of Engineering
Cambridge University
United Kingdom