Vol. 7, No. 8-9, 2012

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A pull-out model for perfectly bonded carbon nanotube in polymer composites

Khondaker Sakil Ahmed and Ang Kok Keng

Vol. 7 (2012), No. 8-9, 753–764
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A pull-out model for carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced composite is presented to obtain the interface characteristic in which perfect bonding at the interface is considered. In the model, a partially embedded CNT in a cylindrical polymer matrix is subjected to an axial load at the open end. By using representative volume element (RVE) concept, analytical solutions are derived for axial and interfacial shear stresses in the CNT. Parametric studies are also conducted to obtain the influence of aspect ratio, modulus ratio and relative size of RVE on stress components. Variation of critical pull-out stress with embedded length and CNT/polymer Young’s modulus ratio are also investigated.

perfectly bonded interface, representative volume element, stress transfer, aspect ratio, critical pull-out stress
Received: 2 April 2012
Revised: 29 September 2012
Accepted: 16 October 2012
Published: 23 January 2013
Khondaker Sakil Ahmed
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
1 Engineering Drive 2
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117576
Ang Kok Keng
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
1 Engineering Drive 2
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117576