Vol. 7, No. 8-9, 2012

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Edge stiffness effects on thin-film laminated double glazing system dynamical behavior by the operational modal analysis

Ali Akrout, Mariem Miladi Chaabane, Lotfi Hammami and Mohamed Haddar

Vol. 7 (2012), No. 8-9, 837–859
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We apply operational modal analysis (OMA) to determine the eigenfrequencies and the eigenmode shapes of a thin-film laminated double glazing system. For this purpose, the dynamic behaviors of both a laminate alone and a coupled system (double-wall structure) for specific boundary conditions are investigated. Here, the laminated plate which is composed of two elastic skins joined with an adhesive ultra-thin film is bonded by an elastic joint. Thus, two configurations of the thin-film laminated glass plate elastic boundary conditions are considered. The first one assumes that the structure is bonded by a translational stiffness (linear springs). In the second one, besides the translational stiffness, a rotational stiffness (angular springs) is introduced in order to improve the developed model. The modal recombination results of a thin-film laminated glass plate as well as those of the thin-film laminated double glazing system are presented and compared to the estimated modes achieved by OMA. Since a good agreement is obtained, the OMA technique can be used to determine the modal parameters by considering the experimental vibratory responses of the studied system. In addition, the vibration’s amplitude of two laminated glass plates linked from edge to edge with both linear and angular springs can be much reduced compared to the one of the same structure bonded only by linear springs.

thin-film laminated double glazing, rotational stiffness, translational stiffness, operational modal analysis, blind source separation, eigenmodes
Received: 5 June 2012
Revised: 3 October 2012
Accepted: 16 October 2012
Published: 23 January 2013
Ali Akrout
Mechanical Engineering Department
National School of Engineers of Sfax
Unit of Mechanics, Modelling and Manufacturing (U2MP)
BP. 1173
3038 Sfax
Mariem Miladi Chaabane
Mechanical Engineering Department
National School of Engineers of Sfax
Unit of Mechanics, Modelling and Manufacturing (U2MP)
BP. 1173
3038 Sfax
Lotfi Hammami
Mechanical Engineering Department
National School of Engineers of Sfax
Unit of Mechanics, Modelling and Manufacturing (U2MP)
BP. 1173
3038 Sfax
Mohamed Haddar
Mechanical Engineering Departement
National Engineering School of Sfax
Unit of Mechanics, Modelling and Manufacturing (U2MP)
BP. 1173
3038 Sfax