Vol. 8, No. 1, 2013

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Numerical and experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of cable-supported barrel vault structures

Sun Guo-jun, Chen Zhi-hua and Richard W. Longman

Vol. 8 (2013), No. 1, 1–13

The cable-supported barrel vault (CSBV) structure system is a new style hybrid spatial steel structure, based on beam string structures (or truss string structures) and cylindrical latticed shell structures. A numerical investigation of the dynamic characteristics of a CSBV structure is presented, and an experimental test was created to validate the model’s ability to obtain good predictions of the dynamic behavior. In order to simulate the construction process of a CSBV structure, the numerical investigation progresses in three phases: the first phase models the barrel vault without struts and cables, the second includes the influence of the cables, and the third introduces the added mass of a roof. The first nine vibration modes were obtained. The cables and struts in the CSBV improve the seismic behavior. The experimental results validate the numerical model, allowing us to study the influence of the rise-span and sag-span ratios.

cable-supported barrel vault, dynamic characteristics, natural frequency, rise-span ratio, sag-span ratio
Received: 10 March 2012
Revised: 25 October 2012
Accepted: 30 October 2012
Published: 28 March 2013
Sun Guo-jun
School of Civil Engineering
Tianjin University
92 Weijin Road
Tianjin, 300072
Chen Zhi-hua
School of Civil Engineering
Tianjin University
92 Weijin Road
Tianjin, 300072
Richard W. Longman
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Columbia University
500 W 120th St.
Mudd 220
New York, NY 10027
United States