Vol. 9, No. 5, 2014

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Nonuniform shear strains in torsional Kolsky bar tests on soft specimens

Adam Sokolow and Mike Scheidler

Vol. 9 (2014), No. 5, 515–555

We investigate inertial effects in torsional Kolsky bar tests on nearly incompressible, soft materials. The results are relevant for materials with instantaneous elastic shear modulus on the order of 11000kPa and density on the order of water. Examples include brain tissue and many other soft tissues and tissue surrogates. We have conducted one- and three-dimensional analyses and simulations to understand the stress and strain states that exist in these materials in a torsional Kolsky bar test. We demonstrate that the short loading pulses typically used for high strain-rate (e.g., 700s) tests do not allow the softer specimens to “ring-up” to uniform stress and strain states and that consequently the shear stress versus shear strain data reported in the literature are erroneous. We also show that normal stress components, which are present even in quasistatic torsion of nonlinear elastic materials, can be amplified in dynamic torsion tests on soft materials.

torsion, Kolsky bar, soft materials, incompressible, Mooney–Rivlin
Received: 21 February 2014
Revised: 16 June 2014
Accepted: 14 July 2014
Published: 14 December 2014
Adam Sokolow
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Soldier Protection Sciences Branch
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
United States
Mike Scheidler
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Soldier Protection Sciences Branch
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
United States