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Thermal and magnetic effects on the vibration of a cracked nanobeam embedded in an elastic medium

Danilo Karličić, Dragan Jovanović, Predrag Kozić and Milan Cajić

Vol. 10 (2015), No. 1, 43–62

In this study, we develop a model to describe the free vibration behavior of a cracked nanobeam embedded in an elastic medium by considering the effects of longitudinal magnetic field and temperature change. In order to take into account the small-scale and thermal effects, the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory based on the nonlocal elasticity constitutive relation is reformulated for one-dimensional nanoscale systems. In addition, the effect of a longitudinal magnetic field is introduced by considering the Lorenz magnetic force obtained from the classical Maxwell equation. To develop a model of a cracked nanobeam, we suppose that a nanobeam consists of two segments connected by a rotational spring that is located in the position of the cracked section. The surrounding elastic medium is represented by the Winkler-type elastic foundation. Influences of the nonlocal parameter, stiffness of rotational spring, temperature change and magnetic field on the system frequencies are investigated for two types of boundary conditions. Also, the first four mode shape functions for the considered boundary conditions are shown for various values of the crack position.

cracked nanobeam, longitudinal magnetic field, thermal effects, nonlocal effects
Received: 3 July 2014
Revised: 13 October 2014
Accepted: 31 October 2014
Published: 12 February 2015
Danilo Karličić
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Niš
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14
18000 Niš
Dragan Jovanović
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Niš
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14
18000 Niš
Predrag Kozić
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Niš
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14
18000 Niš
Milan Cajić
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Kneza Mihaila 36
11001 Belgrade