Vol. 10, No. 4, 2015

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Topology optimization of spatial continuum structures made of nonhomogeneous material of cubic symmetry

Radosław Czubacki and Tomasz Lewiński

Vol. 10 (2015), No. 4, 519–535

The paper deals with the minimum compliance problem of spatial structures made of a nonhomogeneous elastic material of cubic symmetry. The elastic moduli as well as the trajectories of anisotropy directions are design variables. The isoperimetric condition fixes the value of the cost of the design expressed as the integral of the unit cost assumed as a linear combination of the three elastic moduli of the cubic symmetry. The problem has been reduced to the pair of mutually dual auxiliary problems similar to those known from the theory of materials with locking and from the transshipping theory. The auxiliary minimization problem has the integrand of linear growth, which transforms the problem considered to the topology optimization problem in which simultaneously the shape of the structure and its material characteristics are constructed. In contrast to the free material design which in the single load case leads to the optimal Hooke tensor with a single nonzero eigenvalue, the optimal Hooke tensor of cubic symmetry has either three or four nonzero eigenvalues.

free material design, cubic symmetry, topology optimization
Received: 17 April 2015
Revised: 26 June 2015
Accepted: 4 July 2015
Published: 28 September 2015
Radosław Czubacki
Department of Structural Mechanics and Computer Aided Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
ul. Armii Ludowej 16
00-637 Warsaw
Tomasz Lewiński
Department of Structural Mechanics and Computer Aided Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
ul. Armii Ludowej 16
00-637 Warsaw