The paper concerns an application of the successive-approximation iteration process
together with the meshless methods, i.e., the method of fundamental solutions
(MFS) and the method of particular solutions (MPS), for the analysis of
strains and stresses in the plate with some kind of narrowing subjected to
uniaxial tension. The elastoplastic boundary-value problem is based on the
incremental theory of plasticity with the stress-strain relation given in the form
proposed by Chakrabarty. In the iteration procedure a sequence of the successive
distributions of the plastic strain increments corresponding to the appropriate
increments of load is produced. A final set of the plastic strain increments is
further used to obtain the total plastic strains. Furthermore, the solution
of the elastoplastic boundary-value problem can be simultaneously taken
into account when the stress state of the plate is required. Such approach is
designated here to identify the regions of elastic and plastic behavior of the
meshless methods, method of fundamental solutions,
successive-approximation iteration process, elastic-plastic
deformation, incremental theory