Vol. 11, No. 5, 2016

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Two-dimensional fretting contact of piezoelectric materials under a rigid conducting cylindrical punch

Jie Su, Liao-Liang Ke and Yue-Sheng Wang

Vol. 11 (2016), No. 5, 535–558

This paper investigates the fretting contact between a transversely isotropic piezoelectric half-plane and a rigid cylindrical punch in a plane strain state. It is assumed that the punch is a perfect conductor with a constant electric potential within the contact region. Since the fretting contact problem is frictional and history dependent, the two bodies are brought into contact first by a monotonically increasing normal load, and then by a cyclic tangential load, which is less than that necessary to cause complete sliding. It is assumed that the contact region contains an inner stick region and two outer slip regions in which Coulomb’s friction law is applied. With the use of the superposition principle and Fourier integral transform technique, the problem is reduced to a set of coupled Cauchy singular integral equations. An iterative method is used to determine the unknown stick/slip region, normal contact pressure, electric charge and tangential traction. The effects of the friction coefficient, electric load and conductivity of the punch on the surface electromechanical fields are discussed during different loading phases.

fretting contact, cyclic load, piezoelectric materials, conducting punch, singular integral equation
Received: 11 January 2016
Revised: 10 May 2016
Accepted: 16 May 2016
Published: 25 September 2016
Jie Su
Institute of Engineering Mechanics
Beijing Jiaotong University
Haidan District
Beijing, 100044
PR China
Liao-Liang Ke
Institute of Engineering Mechanics
Beijing Jiaotong University
Haidan District
Beijing, 100044
PR China
Yue-Sheng Wang
Institute of Engineering Mechanics
Beijing Jiaotong University
Haidan District
Beijing, 100044
PR China