Vol. 12, No. 5, 2017

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Transient response of multilayered orthotropic strips with interfacial diffusion and sliding

Xu Wang and Peter Schiavone

Vol. 12 (2017), No. 5, 711–722

We use transfer matrix and state-space methods to derive exact solutions for the time-dependent and plane strain deformations of simply supported multilayered orthotropic elastic strips with simultaneous interfacial diffusion and rate-dependent sliding. Our analysis considers the corresponding interfacial tractions as the fundamental state variables. As a result, a homogeneous state-space equation can be obtained by enforcing the interfacial diffusion and sliding conditions. The relaxation times of the multilayered orthotropic strip and the evolution of the interfacial tractions can then be determined from the derived state-space equation. Once the transient interfacial tractions are known, all of the field variables at any time and at any position of the multilayered strip can be conveniently obtained.

multilayered orthotropic strip, interfacial diffusion and sliding, transfer matrix, state-space equation, relaxation time
Received: 30 May 2017
Revised: 27 July 2017
Accepted: 5 August 2017
Published: 22 November 2017
Xu Wang
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering
East China University of Science and Technology
Peter Schiavone
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB