Vol. 13, No. 1, 2018

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Studies on performance and failure mode of T-shaped diaphragm-through connection under monotonic and cyclic loading

Bin Rong, Changxi Feng, Ruoyu Zhang, Shuai Liu and Guangchao You

Vol. 13 (2018), No. 1, 1–15
DOI: 10.2140/jomms.2018.13.1

This paper examines the mechanical properties of T-shaped diaphragm-through connections between CFST columns and steel beams under monotonic and cyclic loading. A monotonic test and a cyclic test on two same specimens are described. The experimental setup, connection configurations, and material properties are firstly introduced, followed by a detailed account of the results and observations from tests. The failure mode and the ultimate bearing capacity are similar in the two tests, while the connection exhibits larger yield capacity and lower ductility under cyclic loading than monotonic loading. Nonlinear finite element analysis was also employed in this investigation. The predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental ones so that the reliability of finite element analysis is verified. Diaphragm-through connection and ordinary beam-column connection are simulated and compared through FEM, and failure modes of plastic hinge at beam end and column face yielding are found respectively, which indicates a significant strengthening effect of the diaphragm and the superior mechanical properties of the diaphragm-through connection.

diaphragm-through connection, monotonic and cyclic tests, mechanical property, finite element analysis, ordinary beam-column connection, failure mode, strengthening effect of diaphragm
Received: 17 March 2017
Revised: 7 July 2017
Accepted: 8 August 2017
Published: 7 April 2018
Bin Rong
Tianjin University
Changxi Feng
Tianjin University
Ruoyu Zhang
Tianjin University
Shuai Liu
Tianjin University
Guangchao You
Tianjin University