A shaft-hub press fit subjected to two non-axisymmetric loading conditions is
examined and the situation of incipient detachment between the shaft and
the hub is determined. The first condition consists of a central radial load
applied to the hub, balanced by two lateral forces
applied to the
shaft at a distance
from the hub lateral walls. In the second condition, a central
couple is
applied to the hub, and it is balanced by two lateral opposite loads withstood by the shaft at
a distance
from the hub lateral walls. The shaft-hub contact is modelled in terms of two elastic
Timoshenko beams connected by distributed elastic springs (Winkler foundation),
whose constant is analytically evaluated. Based upon this enhanced beam-like
modelling, the loading inducing an undesired shaft-hub incipient detachment is
theoretically determined in terms of the shaft-hub geometry, of the initial
shaft-hub interference, and of the elastic constants. Finite element forecasts are
presented to quantify the error of this beam-like approximate analytical
press fit, incipient detachment, analytical solution,
Winkler foundation, finite elements