Vol. 13, No. 3, 2018

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Tuning stress concentrations through embedded functionally graded shells

Xiaobao Li, Yiwei Hua, Chenyi Zheng and Changwen Mi

Vol. 13 (2018), No. 3, 311–335

In this work, we explore the possibility of tuning stress concentrations in materials by judiciously designing embedded functionally graded shells. Specifically, we choose thick-walled cylinders to illustrate our central idea. We specifically consider the boundary value problem of a radially varying graded shell bonded to a thick-walled cylinder. We obtain closed-form solutions and our parametric numerical studies suggest that a graded soft shell can effectively drive the stress concentration from the inner surface of the shell to the shell-cylinder interface. For any boundary loading, an optimal inhomogeneity index that balances the stress concentrations along the inner surface and the interface can be identified. Using the solution to a completely homogeneous cylinder as a benchmark, the stress concentration factor can be reduced by more than 40%. The results of this work suggest the significant potential of functionally graded materials for tailoring the stress concentrations of engineering structures by bonding a properly designed inhomogeneous layer to the perimeter of geometric defects.

functionally graded material, stress concentration, method of stress function, thick-walled cylinder, elasticity theory
Received: 26 December 2017
Revised: 10 May 2018
Accepted: 27 May 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
Changwen Mi is the corresponding author.
Xiaobao Li
School of Civil Engineering
Hefei University of Technology
Yiwei Hua
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering
Southeast University
Chenyi Zheng
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering
Southeast University
Changwen Mi
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering
Southeast University