Vol. 13, No. 5, 2018

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Orthotropic plane bodies with bounded tensile and compressive strength

Massimiliano Lucchesi, Barbara Pintucchi and Nicola Zani

Vol. 13 (2018), No. 5, 691–701

The constitutive equation of the nonlinear elastic material with limited tensile and compressive strength has been generalized to account for an orthotropic elasticity tensor. The main difference between this case and the simpler isotropic one is the loss of the coaxiality between the strain and the stress tensor, which leads the principal directions of the stress to become an unknown of the problem. The proposed constitutive equation has been implemented in the finite element code Mady and applied to the study of a masonry panel.

orthotropic materials, masonry panels
Received: 19 July 2018
Revised: 6 February 2019
Accepted: 2 March 2019
Published: 21 May 2019
Massimiliano Lucchesi
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICeA)
University of Florence
Barbara Pintucchi
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICeA)
University of Florence
Nicola Zani
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICeA)
University of Florence