Vol. 14, No. 3, 2019

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Tuning the propagation characteristics of the trapped and released strongly nonlinear solitary waves in 1-D composite granular chain of spheres

Bin Wu, Heying Wang, Xiucheng Liu, Mingzhi Li, Zongfa Liu and Cunfu He

Vol. 14 (2019), No. 3, 343–360

After a chain composed of light particles is inserted into a one-dimensional heavy granular chain of spheres, the formed composite chain can trap strongly nonlinear solitary waves (SNSWs) in a light sectional chain. The light sectional chain can reduce the peak amplitude of pulse waves imposed on the objects contacting with the end particle of the chain. However, the effects of the light sectional chain’s properties on the propagation velocity and amplitude of both the trapped and output pulse waves are unclear. In this study, finite element models with optimal parameters were established to investigate the multireflection behaviors of the output pulse waves. Both the simulation and experimental results demonstrated that the light sectional chain could act as a physical regulator to tune the properties of the output pulse waves in the composite chain. When the material of the light particle was fixed, both the propagation velocity and amplitude of the output pulse waves exhibited the exponentially downward trend as the number of light particles increased. Compared to the light sectional chain of Brass, the PTFE chain could cause more serious attenuation on the amplitude of the pulse waves and reduce the propagation velocity of the output pulse waves. Similar phenomena had been reported in simulation results only at the nanoscale. Even at the macroscale, the investigated composite chain could quantitatively tune the propagation characteristics of the trapped and output pulse waves by adjusting the material and number of light particles.

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1-D composite granular chain, strongly nonlinear solitary waves, propagation characteristics tuning, energy trapping
Received: 24 January 2019
Revised: 1 August 2019
Accepted: 7 August 2019
Published: 8 October 2019
Bin Wu
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology
Beijing University of Technology
Chaoyang District, 100 Pingleyuan Village
Beijing 100124
Heying Wang
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology
Beijing University of Technology
Chaoyang District, 100 Pingleyuan Village
Beijing 100124
Xiucheng Liu
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology
Beijing University of Technology
Chaoyang District, 100 Pingleyuan Village
Beijing 100124
Mingzhi Li
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology
Beijing University of Technology
Chaoyang District, 100 Pingleyuan Village
Beijing 100124
Zongfa Liu
College of Civil Engineering
Henan University of Science and Technology
Luolong District, 263 Kaiyuan Avenue
Luoyang 471023
Cunfu He
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology
Beijing University of Technology
Chaoyang District, 100 Pingleyuan Village
Beijing 100124