Vol. 15, No. 3, 2020

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Deformation of heterogeneous microstretch elastic bars

Dorin Ieşan

Vol. 15 (2020), No. 3, 345–359

The material points of microstretch continua undergo a uniform microdilatation and a rigid microrotation. This paper is concerned with the deformation of a bar composed by two different microstretch elastic materials. The intended applications of the solution are to bone implants and various compound cylinders. The bar is reinforced by a longitudinal rod and is subjected to extension, bending, torsion and flexure. First, the problem of bending and extension is investigated. The solution involves the solving of three plane strain problems. Then, we study the problem of torsion and flexure. The results are used to investigate the extension of a right circular cylinder reinforced by a circular rod.

microstretch elastic materials, heterogeneous bars, flexure of reinforced cylinders
Received: 4 November 2019
Revised: 5 March 2020
Accepted: 24 April 2020
Published: 12 July 2020
Dorin Ieşan
Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy
Bd. Carol I, nr. 8
700508 Iaşi