Vol. 16, No. 3, 2021

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A level-set viscoelastic constitutive model for multi-shape memory polymers and composites

Fei Zhao, Shichen Zhou, Bo Zhou and Shifeng Xue

Vol. 16 (2021), No. 3, 347–370

Multi-shape memory polymers (m-SMP) and their composites, as new kind of smart materials, can change their shapes and keep the deformed states under external forces. When stimulated by specific stimuli, m-SMP and its composite can reversibly return to the original shapes. m-SMP and its composite are widely used in various complex sensing devices, biomedical, aerospace and other intelligent devices due to their advantages of large deformation, high recovery rate, easy configuration and easy adjustment of shape response temperature. In this paper, we established a new three-dimensional constitutive model for m-SMP and its composite by introducing the level-set method into viscoelastic constitutive equations. In this model, we regarded m-SMP and its composite as inhomogeneous bodies consisting of different phases and used the level-set functions to describe the phase transformation relationships. We took dual-shape memory polymer (SMP) and triple-shape memory polymeric composite (TSPC) as examples to illustrate the process of establishing the model. SMP includes two phases, glass phase and rubber phase, and TSPC includes three phases, rubbery–liquid-like phase, rubbery–semicrystalline phase and glass phase. We used the developed constitutive model to numerically simulate the complete shape memory processes and numerically simulate the mechanical behavior of each process with different correlative rates of SMP and TSPC. The simulation results of shape memory process show that the new constitutive model can describe shape memory behaviors accurately with comparing the simulated result and the existing text data. And the simulation results of each process reflect that the shape memory process has a strong rate correlation. The constitutive model established in this paper can provide a theoretical basis for the application of SMP and TSPC, and can be further extended to m-SMP and its composite.

shape memory polymer, shape memory polymeric composite, level-set method, viscoelastic constitutive equation, constitutive model
Received: 6 August 2020
Revised: 3 December 2020
Accepted: 28 February 2021
Published: 10 August 2021
Fei Zhao
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering
University of Petroleum (East China)
Qingdao, 266580
Shichen Zhou
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering
University of Petroleum (East China)
Qingdao, 266580
Bo Zhou
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering
University of Petroleum (East China)
Qingdao, 266580
Shifeng Xue
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering
University of Petroleum (East China)
Qingdao, 266580