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Comparative study of graded honeycombs with various cellular structures under impacting load

Jianwei Ren, Jun Hu and Aiguo Wang

Vol. 17 (2022), No. 1, 1–18

Inspired by the cellular materials in nature, we studied the effect of the gradient of cell distribution on the mechanical properties of honeycombs by using the finite element methodology. Four honeycombs, namely regular honeycombs, linear graded honeycombs, and two nonlinear graded honeycombs, were modeled. An indicator of deformation uniformity was proposed to characterize the dynamic deformation status of various honeycomb structures. The dynamic responses, including crushing mode, stress-strain relation, and energy absorption, were compared by changing the type of cell distribution and impact velocity. It is found that the honeycomb with the nonlinear graded cellular structure possesses a smoother crushing process due to the existence of a high-density frame. Nonlinear graded honeycombs present better dynamic performances at lower impacting velocity, like plateau stress and energy absorption. When the loading velocity is higher, the nonlinear graded honeycombs have more stable dynamic responses than the regular honeycomb, like plateau stress, dynamic increment factor, and specific energy absorption.

honeycomb materials, nonlinear graded distribution, dynamic crushing mode, deformation uniformity indicator, energy absorption
Received: 23 December 2018
Revised: 8 August 2021
Accepted: 10 October 2021
Published: 17 September 2022
Jianwei Ren
Multifunctional Lightweight Materials and Structure Research Center
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Key Laboratory of Building Structure and Underground Engineering of Anhui Province
Anhui Jianzhu University
Jun Hu
Key Laboratory of Building Structure and Underground Engineering of Anhui Province
Anhui Jianzhu University
Aiguo Wang
Key Laboratory of Advanced Building Materials of Anhui Province
Anhui Jianzhu University