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Comparison of methods for estimating notch stress intensities at sharp V-notches

Mirzaul Karim Hussain and K. S. R. K. Murthy

Vol. 17 (2022), No. 2, 123–147

A number of finite element (FE) postprocessing methods have been developed for the computation of notch stress intensity factors (NSIFs). Factors such as varied formulations, field variables sampled, location/areas of the sampling points and the number of sampling points are known to affect the accuracy of the computed values of the NSIFs. The use of conventional finite elements at the notch tip in all of these methods also greatly affects the accuracy.

The present work surveys the available FE based NSIF extraction methods and compares their efficacy in terms of accuracy of the computed NSIFs. Seven methods, variously based on stress, displacement, and energy, are considered. Our results indicate that displacement-based methods consistently provide the most accurate NSIFs relative to the number of sampling points.

sharp V-notch, mixed mode, NSIF, notch stress intensity factor, finite element method
Received: 2 June 2021
Revised: 6 November 2021
Accepted: 22 November 2021
Published: 10 December 2022
Mirzaul Karim Hussain
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
IIT Guwahati
Guwahati 781039
K. S. R. K. Murthy
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati 781039