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Optimal synthesis of an adjustable six-bar path generator mechanism using a cuckoo optimization algorithm

Arash Reza and Morteza Moslehi

Vol. 17 (2022), No. 2, 149–167

This paper aims to study the optimal synthesis of an adjustable six-bar mechanism to generate a closed path that passes through target points. The proposed mechanism has been designed by the inspiration of two common linkages, crank-rocker and slider-crank mechanisms. In this research, an analytical approach is utilized to evaluate the position of members of the adjustable six-bar mechanism, and dimensional synthesis is carried out using a cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA). First, a comparison between the path generated by dimensional optimization of the primary four-bar linkage and the obtained results from works of the literature demonstrated the superior performance of COA. Afterward, having the optimal dimensions of the primary four-bar linkage, the other design variables of the adjustable six-bar linkage are achieved by reoptimizing the mechanism. The results indicate that a more accurate generated path could be obtained for the adjustable six-bar mechanism compared with the four-bar linkage.

adjustable mechanism, cuckoo optimization algorithm, dimensional synthesis, path generator linkage, six-bar mechanism
Received: 5 August 2021
Revised: 29 October 2021
Accepted: 20 December 2021
Published: 10 December 2022
Arash Reza
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch
Morteza Moslehi
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Politecnico di Torino