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Stiffness characteristics of elastic thin plates equipped with precision instruments

Weipeng Hu, Zhengqi Han, Hao Zhou, Denan Qi and Fan Zhang

Vol. 18 (2023), No. 2, 247–261

The stiffness study of the electronic components and thin plate coupling system in spacecraft is a key factor in understanding the mechanical properties and vibration characteristics of such composite structures. A simplified model of an elastic circular plate system with peripheral fixations was established for the circular plate composite structure carrying cylindrical electronic components in spacecraft. The average moment of inertia of different sections of the composite structure was solved, and the formula for the bending stiffness of the system was derived based on the relative proportions of these sections in the system. Based on elastic thin plate theory, the analytical solutions of the center deflection of the system with different parameters were calculated. By comparing the finite element simulation results, the accuracy of the stiffness formula was verified. In order to reflect the influence of each parameter on the system stiffness more directly, the corresponding values of each parameter and the system stiffness were fitted into mapping relationships, and the coefficients of the stiffness formula of the circular plate was modified. The conclusion of this paper is that it is important to study the mechanical properties and vibration characteristics of space composite structures more accurately. The optimization suggestions of the system are given from the two perspectives of physical parameters and dimension parameters, which can provide a theoretical basis and optimization scheme for the design and research of space composite structures.

spatial composite structure, bending stiffness, finite element simulation, parameter optimization
Received: 25 September 2022
Revised: 2 December 2022
Accepted: 19 December 2022
Published: 18 April 2023
Weipeng Hu
Xi’an University of Technology
Xi’an, Shaanxi
Zhengqi Han
Xi’an University of Technology
Xi’an, Shaanxi
Hao Zhou
Xi’an University of Technology
Xi’an, Shaanxi
Denan Qi
Military Academy of Sciences
Fan Zhang
Xi’an University of Technology
Xi’an, Shaanxi