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Mode III fracture analysis of an oblique through-crack emanating from a nanohole with surface effect

Yuyan Xin and Junhua Xiao

Vol. 18 (2023), No. 3, 391–403

The mode III fracture characteristics of an oblique through-crack emanating from a circular nanohole are studied theoretically. Based on the surface elasticity theory and the complex variable elasticity theory, the expression of the stress field of the cracked hole is obtained. Analytical solutions of the stress intensity factor and the energy release rate cracks tip are given. A comparison between the degenerate results of this paper and existing research shows the correctness of the present method. The effects of the interaction between cracks and circular hole on the stress intensity factor and the energy release rate are discussed. The results indicate that the stress intensity factor and the energy release rate have remarkable size effects when the sizes of the crack and circular hole are at nanoscale. The significant effects of the surface effect on the stress intensity factors and the energy release rate depend on the crack position.

nanomultidefects, oblique through-crack, cracked nanohole, stress intensity factor, energy release rate
Received: 22 October 2022
Revised: 25 December 2022
Accepted: 17 January 2023
Published: 5 May 2023
Yuyan Xin
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Yanshan University
Hebei Key Laboratory of Mechanical Reliability for Heavy Equipment and Large Structures
Yanshan University
Junhua Xiao
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Yanshan University
Hebei Key Laboratory of Mechanical Reliability for Heavy Equipment and Large Structures
Yanshan University