We first examine the problem associated with the thermoelectric and thermoelastic
fields for a nonlinearly coupled thermoelectric circular inhomogeneity with interface
slip and diffusion embedded in an infinite nonlinearly coupled thermoelectric matrix
subjected to uniform remote electric current density and uniform remote energy flux.
A closed-form solution to the time-dependent thermoelastic problem is derived using
complex variable techniques. We observe that the electrically and thermally induced
stresses and displacements evolve with three relaxation times: two of these
are attributed to the applied electric current density while the remaining
relaxation time is induced by the applied energy flux. As time approaches
infinity, the internal stress field inside the circular inhomogeneity remains
nonuniform. We subsequently adapt the proposed solution method to study the
case of a thermoelectric circular inhomogeneity with spring-type imperfect
thermoelectric material, circular inhomogeneity, interface
slip and diffusion, spring-type interface, relaxation time,
closed-form solution