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Effect of initial stress on a microstretch thermoelastic medium immersed in an infinite inviscid fluid with two models

Mohamed I. A. Othman, Sarhan Y. Atwa, Ebtesam E. M. Eraki and Mohamed F. Ismail

Vol. 18 (2023), No. 4, 533–549

We study the thermoelastic response of a microstretch half-space immersed in an unbounded, inviscid fluid under initial stress; the medium is studied using the Green–Naghdi theory (G-N III) and the three-phase-lag (3PHL) model. The relevant equations were formulated in the context of the G-N III theory and the 3PHL model. We obtain an analytical solution to the problem using normal mode methods. Magnesium crystal elements are used as an application to compare the initial stress predictions of a microstretch thermoelastic immersed in an infinite liquid of G-N theory type III with those of the 3PHL model. It was found that the initial stress has a significant influence on all physical quantities. The three wave number values are also compared. It is concluded from the present contribution that some advanced microstretch thermoelastic systems deserve study.

microstretch thermoelastic, normal mode method, initial stress, fluid, wave number
Received: 17 November 2022
Revised: 3 January 2023
Accepted: 11 February 2023
Published: 11 June 2023
Mohamed I. A. Othman
Department of Mathematics
Zagazig University
Sarhan Y. Atwa
Department of Mathematics Engineering of Physics
Higher Institute of Engineering
Shorouk Academy
Al-Shorouk City
Ebtesam E. M. Eraki
Department of Mathematics
Zagazig University
Mohamed F. Ismail
Department of Mathematics Engineering of Physics
Higher Institute of Engineering
Shorouk Academy
Al-Shorouk City