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Peridynamic equation with boundary traction

Zaixing Huang

Vol. 18 (2023), No. 5, 675–683

How to characterize the traction boundary condition is still an open question in peridynamics. This problem is investigated in this paper. We propose a traction-associated peridynamic motion equation, in which the traction boundary condition is introduced by a tensor weight function. The conservation laws of linear and angular momentum are derived from the traction-associated peridynamic motion equation. Meanwhile, the conservation of energy is also acquired, and it has the same form as that in the original peridynamics advanced by Silling. Therefore, the constitutive models of the original peridynamics can be directly applied to the traction-associated peridynamic motion equation. Using the inverse method, we solve for the uniaxial tension of a rod. By matching the transfer function of the boundary traction with the constitutive equations, we acquire the same solution as that in the classical elasticity from the traction-associated peridynamic motion equation. These results show that the traction-associated peridynamic motion equation not only retains all advantages of the original peridynamics, but also can be conveniently used to deal with the traction boundary value problem.

peridynamics, boundary traction, stress boundary condition, bond-based constitutive model
Received: 29 December 2022
Accepted: 15 June 2023
Published: 25 October 2023
Zaixing Huang
State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control for Aerospace Structures
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronatics