We describe a mass spring system (MSS), which is also referred as lattice model
in the literature, predicting the load-displacement curve of the orthotropic materials.
We have developed the MSS model of a double cantilever beam to capture the energy
release rate in a mode I fracture of the orthotropic materials using two different
formulations: maximum strain energy and maximum strain. Further, we have considered
determination of fracture energy of cortical bone, as a case study, using the compliance
based beam method (CBBM). This method avoids monitoring of crack length during
fracture and provides the complete R-curve along with the plateau, which is the
fracture energy. We have also obtained the R-curve from the load-displacement curve
predicted by the MSS model and determined the fracture energy of cortical bone.
As the maximum percentage error in fracture energy predicted by the MSS model
for dehydrated and hydrated bone is 1.02 per cent and 1.15 per cent, respectively, the
results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Thus, we have shown the
ability of the MSS model to produce quantitative results as well in comparison to the
models presented in the literature for simulation of a fracture, which give essentially
qualitative results. We have used the validated MSS model for characterizing the
load-displacement behavior of cortical bone for increasing mineralization and porosity.
MSS, orthotropic material, cortical bone, DCB test, CBBM,
fracture energy