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Evaluation of mechanical behavior of Al6092/SiCp metal matrix composites under different conditions

Ghadeer Dhurgham Malik Tobal and Shaymaa Abbas Abdulsada

Vol. 19 (2024), No. 3, 477–489

Due to their versatile mechanical qualities, metal matrix composites (MMCs) are explored for usage in a wide variety of structural applications, including those in the aerospace/aviation, transportation, defense, and sports sectors. Al6092/SiC 17.5% by volume particle composites are investigated to determine the effect of Al matrix anisotropy on their mechanical properties under a range of loading, strain rates, and heat treatments with the goal of improving metal matrix composite performance and design. This work examines the effects of anisotropy and loading conditions at a 104  s1 strain rate on the deformation and damage behavior of composites made of Al6092 and SiC particles in three orientations (0, 45, and 90). To gain a fundamental understanding of the heat treatment effect on the fracture mechanism, the microstructural changes, and the interface between the Al-matrix and SiC particles, as well as to establish a correlation between strain rate and heat treatment and anisotropy effect, it is necessary to examine the influence of heat treatment (T6 and O-condition) on the microstructure, deformation, and damage behavior of metal matrix composites under various loading conditions. The mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile stress, and shear stress. In order to characterize the precipitate and intermetallic compounds generated at the Al/SiC interface, changes in the microstructure of the Al/SiCp and the topography of the fracture are examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed in parallel (0) to the rolling axis was observed to be the preferred orientation of the Al matrix over the perpendicular (90) and 45 orientations. In the longitudinal direction (parallel to the rolling axis), Young’s modulus and tensile strength of the Al (6092) alloy were greater than in the 45 and transverse directions. In T6 thermal treatment, the formation of extremely small, uniformly disseminated second-phase particles within the matrix of the original phase increases the hardness and strength of the Al/SiC composite.

mechanical properties, Al6092/SiCp composite, strain rate, O-condition, T6 thermal treatment
Received: 13 October 2023
Revised: 19 December 2023
Accepted: 6 January 2024
Published: 27 March 2024
Ghadeer Dhurgham Malik Tobal
Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Kufa
Shaymaa Abbas Abdulsada
Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Kufa