A benchmark study on high-cycle fatigue modelling using a cohesive zone model
presented for a bonded composite double-cantilever beam (DCB) joint. A
user-developed subroutine, USDFLD, was applied to make the field variable
represented by a characterized damage parameter for controlling the degradation and
failure behaviour of cohesive elements. Accumulative local cohesive fatigue damage
was analyzed via a correlation with global crack growth rate characteristic. The
damage assessment was accomplished according to theories on fracture mechanics,
damage mechanics, fatigue characteristics, and cohesive zone modelling through cycle
jump approach. Debond length variation through fatigue cycles was determined
using an analytical solution. Also, an available Abaqus fatigue approach
integrated with virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) was conducted under
two extreme loading ratios. Good agreement was obtained between the test
and modelling results. Results discussion and recommended appropriate
increment size for the proposed high-cycle fatigue modelling methodology are
bonded composite DCB, cohesive zone model, debond,
high-cycle fatigue modelling, user subroutine