Advances in additive manufacturing permit the fabrication of parts with great
geometric complexity and relatively small dimensions, and allow the creation of
topologies that are not possible by using conventional manufacturing techniques.
Due to the excellent biocompatibility of titanium metal, the high stiffness
ratio as well as the good energy absorption of porous structures, additively
manufactured porous titanium has a promising future in the medical field. The
established method of gyroid finite element modeling and various types of
parameter settings are introduced first, after which Ls-Dyna is adopted as
the finite element calculation tool. The mechanical behaviors of additively
manufactured porous titanium under multiaxial compressive stress state are
investigated by changing the boundary conditions of the 3D fine view finite
element model. The multiaxial large deformation compression process of
three volume fraction porous titanium specimens is performed by laterally
coupling two boundary conditions, that is, the uniaxial compression and the
hydrostatic compression. The initial platform stress, the true stress with the
logarithmic strain curve, the plastic Poisson’s ratio with the axial strain, and the
Cauchy’s stress-volume strain curve of porous titanium specimens under each
stress state are obtained. The above numerical results give some guidance
for the study of the triaxial covariance ontological relationship of porous
gyroid finite element model, multiaxial compressive stress
state, additively manufactured porous titanium, plastic
Poisson's ratio