Considering finite extensions
of positive affine semigroup rings over a field
have developed in [Böhm, Eisenbud, Nitsche 2012] an algorithm to decompose
as a direct sum of
monomial ideals in
By computing the regularity of homogeneous semigroup rings from the decomposition,
we have confirmed the Eisenbud-Goto conjecture in a range of new cases not
tractable by standard methods. Here we first illustrate this technique and its
implementation in our
Macaulay2 package
MonomialAlgebras by computing the
decomposition and the regularity step by step for an explicit example. We then focus
on ring-theoretic properties of simplicial semigroup rings. From the characterizations
given in [Böhm, Eisenbud, Nitsche 2012], we develop and prove explicit algorithms
testing various properties, including being Buchsbaum, CohenMacaulay, Gorenstein,
normal, and seminormal. All algorithms are implemented in our