This note deals with models of quantum systems where the emergence of a classical
behavior can be concretely analyzed. We first briefly review some well known
difficulties arising in the classical limit of quantum mechanics according to the
Copenhagen interpretation. Then we discuss the seminal contribution by Mott
(1929) on the tracks observed in a cloud chamber, where the problem can be
approached in a particularly transparent way. Finally, we propose a model
Hamiltonian, with interaction described by spin dependent point interactions,
where Mott’s analysis can be rephrased and the result can be rigorously
Dedicated to Lucio
environment induced decoherence, cloud chamber, transition
quantum to classical
Dept. of Physics “Ettore Pancini”
and National Institute of Nuclear Physics
University of Napoli Federico II
Complesso Univ. Monte Sant’Angelo Ed. 6
Via Cintia
I-80126 Napoli