We recently published a macroscopic virus-centric model to simulate the evolution of
the SARS CoV 2 epidemic (COVID 19) at the level of a country or a geographical
entity using a new decomposition modeling and machine learning optimization. The
approach assumes that an epidemic can be analyzed as the combination of several
elementary epidemics representing each different parts of the population with
different behaviors through time, different locations, or different phases of the virus
propagation like emergence of new variants. In part 1 of the paper, published in
2020, we presented the details of the model and its application for new cases through
different countries. In this second part, we develop and analyze an application of this
modeling to the number of deceased cases among 22 different countries in
Europe. The proposed modeling is still based on the finite superposition
of Verhulst equations commonly known as logistic functions and used in
population dynamics. The novelty comes from the new decomposition of a
complex event and the use of machine learning algorithm. The results show
that this approach enables to well simulate the evolution of the number
of deaths for the different analyzed countries, population, or age. It also
shows that the epidemic kinetic can be well simulated whether you consider
the overall epidemic kinetic as one epidemic or as the sum of independent
epidemics, as is presented here regarding the age of the population. The modeling
prediction quality was also studied as a function of the amount of available