In the theory of the generalized elastic bodies, when the expression of the
stored energy depends on the placement field derivatives of order higher than
densities can be defined, acting along the border edges. Such exotic
actions, deduced through an approach à la d’Alembert, do work on the
derivative of the virtual displacements along the normal to the concurrent boundary
faces, that is sensitive to extremely fine features of the microstructure. In particular,
each Eulerian edge force density of this kind corresponds to a set of external actions
defined in the Lagrangian configuration. This set includes: (i) edge force densities
that do work on the virtual displacements; (ii) edge force densities, that do work on
the higher order derivatives of the virtual displacement along the direction normal to
the concurrent boundary faces, along the direction tangent to these faces and normal
to the border edge tangent, or mixed; (iii) wedge forces. When the order
increased, the analytical deduction of these irreducible work terms may become
prohibitive. In this study, a representation formula is outlined, apt to generate all the
contributions appearing in the Lagrangian configuration. This approach extends in a
recursive manner the integration by part required in the calculus of variations:
starting from a line integral, resulting from the total contraction of dual Lagrangian
tensors absolutely symmetric, the tensor product of complementary edge
projectors is exploited and combined with the divergence theorem for differential