For plane strain linear elasticity, given any anisotropic elasticity tensor
we determine a best approximating isotropic counterpart
. This
is not done by using a distance measure on the space of positive definite elasticity
tensors (Euclidean or logarithmic distance) but by considering two simple isotropic
analytic solutions (center of dilatation and concentrated couple) and best
fitting these radial solutions to the numerical anisotropic solution based on
. The
numerical solution is done via a finite element calculation, and the fitting via a
subsequent quadratic error minimization. Thus, we obtain the two Lamé-moduli
and the
We observe that our so-determined isotropic tensor
coincides with neither the best logarithmic fit of Norris nor the best Euclidean fit.
Our result underlines again that there is no best-fit isotropic elasticity tensor to a
given anisotropic material.